Installing apps from Google Play

A short entry on how to quickly install a program from Google Play for the Android Box. We talked about how to connect a prefix to Google Play ⇒ here , so briefly about the main thing, we enter the installed Google, and enter Total Commander in the search (the program will be needed in the future):

Android Box installation programs android box work with search

In order for the search to return exactly, there should not be a picture to the left of the drop-down word!

Press "magnifier" on the keyboard. We select the version of the program, the main condition is that it be free on the Android Box:

Android Box program selection free android box application installation

Everything is standard, as in an android tablet, click “install” and wait for the installation to complete:

Android Box installation of the android box program free first launch of the android application

All ready to launch!

Android Box open the android box application launch programs

Everything is working! Hooray:

android box program launch android box program

How to work with Total Commander on the Android Box set-top box, we will figure it out in the near future, do you need to work with files?

We talked about how to add an installed program to the main menu ⇒ here !

Here is such a record, more pictures than words, write, opinions are always interesting.

PS Site support via the link 😉

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